The Process
We're big supporters of data transparency, so we want you to know our thought process behind where your data goes and how the matching process works.
So you submitted the form... but how does the matching process after work?
Our algorithm looks at group sizes first in weighting (e.g. you're in a large group, so you'll likely get smaller groups over larger ones).
The question about how seriously you take trivia has a high amount of importance placed on it.
Other preferences are then taken into account.
Occasionally your trivia categories will play a small impact for some matches.
And when you find a match?
When you find a match, the following information will be shared to both potential teammates:
First Name, Age, Availability, potentially other descriptive (non-identifying) information
Once that pairing is made, the two parties are given 1 week to agree to the match. If both parties agree, designated social media contacts will be shared.
Your Data